“Space Bricks 1.1” is another breakout type game, it has 10 levels - on each level
the ball moves faster. There is also a time bonus for each level - the amount of time
decreases on each level. You get 10 points for each brick, and 10 points for every second of time bonus.
Please note that background processing is stopped during game-play to achieve smoother and faster graphics. Game-play can be stopped using the ‘escape’ key.
“Space Bricks 1.1” is shareware, you can try out the game for 30 days after which
you must register to continue using the game. Registering your copy entitles you
to free upgrades (when available, on request) it also helps pay for future developments
both to this game and other games.
To register your copy of “Space Bricks 1.1” send £5.00 (UK currency)
Along with this form.
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